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Rita p1

Rita the the ArgentCorp lab

Rita is a character in Total Seduction 2 game. She is a researcher at the ArgentCorp lab. Before your father disappeared, he wanted you to take an internship at his company - ArgentCorp. To honor his wish, you will start to work there, field testing a new device called CHAD. Rita is your closest coworker at the lab. As a head researcher of CHAD project, she is your mentor and a direct superior.

When you first enter the lab, Rita will give you a short tutorial over CHAD. You will meet her daily, when posting your reports. She will also answer any question, you may have about your work.


  • Rita send her entire day at the lab

Seduction quest[]

  • Rita's seduction quest is limited to level 2 Patreon supporters.
  • At progress 2, you are tasked to level up during the experiment. This is hard to do as you must time it precisely. Open skill window to see how much experience you need to level up. If there is around 8 experience left to level up, that would be the time to do the experiment.
  • After you browse files at the lab's computer, you will find sex manuals for the development of CHAD. You can ask Rita about them and she will give them to you. You can study them at your bed during day, to increase Sexpert attribute. After you read them, you can ask Rita to test them in practice. This will increase her progress from 2 to 3.

Rita's portrait at the info screen
